Tuesday, November 7, 2023

What's Happening

It was such a fun and busy year!  
We love helping other people have fun too.  One of our favorite things is wrapping and helping give gifts - just let us know with your order and we are happy to wrap and enclose a card on your behalf!

Of course the year kept us busy shipping books - and talking about them!

Several online and in person programs - with more coming up.  We added the calendar - in very limited quantities.  It will not be re-printed.  Link below.

  We are so thankful for connections around the world who have been so enthusiastic and supportive of our self published book!  It has far exceeded our expectations.  We went way out on a limb with high quality printing - this is not a POD (print on demand) book.  We printed local in a Union Shop that pays a livable wage and full employee benefits.  We chose every aspect to be premium - ink, paper, color etc.  

Everyone has been busy - Ethan has an exhibit coming up - we hope to see you there!

I leave in a couple days for my next 'in person' event at The Attic.  THis exclusive project will someday be released for everyone.  The original antique is on our collection.  I've done a lot of research and am looking forward to the program.  Also, while at The Attic we are releasing a new chart "Calm Repose" so stay tuned for that!

I am bringing a trunk show to The Attic as part of my program.
I am looking forward to sharing my antiques and reproductions!  I am using every inch of my luggage - did I mention I'm bringing a little something (limited edition) for everyone?

Fall has been gorgeous here!
We are enjoying the city more - particularly the Olde Town area around 
Saint Anthony Main.  Our daughter is a city dweller and loves it.

2024 is looking just as fun and exciting!
Watch for a couple magazine projects in 2024
I have Zoom events scheduled with guilds - one with a limited edition project
Also in person in April - Maybe I will see you in Kansas?

With two programs I will be driving Loaded to the max!

It's very likely I've left something out - and may be updating this.

In the meantime - Thanks for reading - Stay busy stitching and reading!

Best regards,




Haptic & Hue Podcast.     https://hapticandhue.com/listen/

Etsy    https://www.etsy.com/shop/CollectorWANeedle

Selvedge Magazine https://www.selvedge.org/products/issue-115-pioneers

The Attic Needlework https://atticneedlework.com/#:~:text=Where%20Samplers%20Rule!,modern%20counted%20cross%20stitch%20samplers.

Sassy Jacks https://www.sassyjacksstitchery.com/product/sewing-rolls-needle-rolls-and-huswifs-dawn-cook-ronningen/

Stitchville USA  http://www.stitchville.com/

Reproduction Fabrics. https://www.reproductionfabrics.com/

Canadian EGA (London) http://ceglondon.com/home.php

Tudor Rose Sampler Guild  https://www.tudorrosesamplerguild.com/

Northwest Sampler Guild  https://northwestsamplerguild.com/

(UK) Beyond Measure   https://shopbeyondmeasure.co.uk/

(Australia) Crewel Gobelin  https://www.thecrewelgobelin.com.au/p/9574417/sewing-rolls-needle-rolls-and-huswifs.html

You can also email me for help finding our books and patterns!

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