The "Illuminated Stars" are back from their trip to Maine.
See more about the special exhibit HERE.
They did a great job on the exhibit - I hope we get to see more like it.
The Red and White quilts will be home from the Iowa Quilt Museum in September.
See more about the exhibit HERE.
I hope to visit their next exhibit with a star theme.
email me if you are interested in meeting there in early November. I'm thinking of adding on Kalona as well. It has been years since I visited Kalona - long over due.
For more information on the Iowa Quilt Museum click HERE.
In September I will be in Arizona for the American Quilt Study Group annual seminar. I am looking forward to the study centers, tours, shopping and countless other quilt study opportunities.
I am bringing quilts for the bed turning event opening night.
There are several "turning stations" - I am one of the moderators for the Pennsylvania Quilts station. I will get a break to see the pre-1850 and doll/crib quilt stations. Thank you to all who volunteer at these events! There are other stations, but those are my priorities. If you are going, please stop by and say hello.
This year at seminar is the exhibit for the basket study. I will have a quilt on exhibit there as well. Part of the guidelines prohibit me from showing it to you yet. There will be 50 quilts hanging in this exhibit.
I hope to see you there.
Also this fall, I have several upcoming trips to Minnesota and Wisconsin.
I am honored to be speaking and teaching at The Pine Tree Quilters Guild October 11/12.
Contact me if you are interested in a trunk show, lecture or class for your guild, small group or individual lessons.
In between all the fun we have new patterns coming up!
I hope to see you soon,
Happy Stitching,